Thursday, December 08, 2022

Rams Gamenight Thread

Well, this is a "should win" if there ever was one, which always scares me with the Raiders. Time to keep the momentum rolling! GO RAIDERS!


Anonymous Raider Nate74 said...

Carr made a bad decision there at the end of the half. Should have held it instead of trying to force one. Got hit as he threw and INT. Otherwise, not a bad game so far. JUST WIN, BABY!

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 74 said...

Amazing how many holding calls Lambs are getting away with. Amazing how Raiders offense has disappeared in 2nd half. Garbage!

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

Unfreaking believable!

8:18 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Same 'ol...

8:22 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

How can they ALWAYS making it interesting, usually in the worst way. You have this game WON. You have them 98 yards to go. But no, here come the absurd chunk plays AND the inevitable stupid penalty and boom, you lose.

8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I said I would eat my shorts if Mayfield beat the Raiders. Pass me the ketchup. Have to find a clean pair 1st.

How does that even happen? It is like an Chris Angel illusion. Carr blew it at the end of the half, throwing that pic. McDaniels blew it thinking he just had to sit on the ball. The refs blew it (of course) with some horrible non calls. And of course3, the D blew it too. The whole thing blew, just good enough to lose, just like the Colts game.

8:40 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Disappointment only scratches the surface for this game.

That's 4 big leads given up in the 4th quarter so far this year. Raiders can't defend the pass. Hobbs had one of his worst games. Everybody else in the secondary is expendable.

McDaniels called a decent game in the first half, i.e., until Carr blew it by throwing a jump ball into triple coverage. Turns out, that was the difference in the game.

Jacobs running the ball like 24 times in the first half, then staying in the game after he was injured seemed stupid. Raiders two backup RBs both have speed to get to the outside and the Rams obviously lacked speed on the edge.

Patrick Graham never ceases to amaze me. All the Rams had was Baker Mayfield dropping back to pass and Graham could not defend it. I really wonder if adding talent to this defense is going to be enough.

4:54 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

btw, this season will go down in infamy. So far (with games still left to play!) the Raiders have surrendered 4 double-digit leads, and they've managed to lose in epic fashion two rare "gift" games... one to Jeff Saturday, who had never coached a game in his life (at any level), and the other to Baker Mayfield, who was signed off waivers two days before the game.

You can't make that up. That's ineptitude on a new level, even for the Raiders.

5:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad coaching. McDaniels continuing to feed Jacobs against a strong run defense when he was hurting. Sat on the ball the entire second half playing not lose. Graham is insane how do you play press coverage with 15 seconds to go in the game. Line up th edefense on the goal line and keep everything in front of them.

Refs did us no favors Crosby was held the entire game.

So fucking sad


6:00 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

I couldn't figure out the coverage at the end. The whole drive looked like a hybrid of man and zone.

But there were some insanely stupid penalties on the two Rams TD drives, Ferrell was called for offsides on a punt (which would have been the game right there!), and Tillery was called for unsportsmanlike conduct for knocking the ball out of Mayfield's hand.

The whole thing is just unbelievable. I see good and bad from the team and the coaching, as a whole. Yet, this was a game that can only happen to a bad and poorly coached team. This shit does not happen to good teams. And it's the 4th time this year the Raiders have failed to hold a double-digit lead late in a game.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Raidet Nate 74 said...

I have never seen a team play a Prevent Offense, and have seen Josh McDaniels and the Raiders do it 4 times this season. Deeek Carr said in a press conference that no one on the team felt like it was going to get away from them. How come the fans felt that way? We need a support group. Hi, my name is Foolish, and I continue to be a Raiders' fan. My family refuses to cry with me or support my habit until I find help for myself.

10:57 AM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Derek Carr said no one on the team felt it was going to get away from them? Earth to friggin' Derek! Heck, I said it before the game started: "This is a 'should win,' which always scares me with the Raiders." With five minutes to go, up by 13, I could see it coming from a mile away. Because I've been there before, a lot in fact, and at least three other times this season alone, AND SO HAS DEREK CARR!

Honestly, I'm this close to being done with Derek Carr. He's had plenty of years to imprint an iron will into games and situations like this. It's just not happening. Go get Sean Payton, get Tom Brady as a stopgap, clean house except for a select few, and REBOOT the whole damn thing. How else are we gonna exorcise this demon that plagues the Raiders from coach to coach, regime to regime, owner to owner, city to city? START OVER. By Josh, bye Derek, bye a lot of you.

Now I'm not sure I really mean all this, but it's how I'm feeling right now. Tell me I'm wrong :)

12:39 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Maxx Crosby practically called Tillery out by name in post-game comments which he is clearly upset about stupid penalties. Tillery's unsportsmanlike penalty was a dead ball foul following Crosby's sack, which stopped the clock (Rams had no TOs left) and gave the Rams 15 yards and a first down.

Just like Ferrell's offside during the punt, that was the game. Either one of those bonehead penalties doesn't happen, and the Raiders walk-off with a win.

Same could be said about Carr's INT in the endzone. Another single play that changed the outcome.

btw, there was another WR collision in the middle of the field. WTF? Why are Raiders WRs colliding? Coaches can't be drawing up that way.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baker Mayfield was an ex-1st overall draft pick and those types can flash sometimes. Well, it might've happened against us.

On the other hand Raidernation keeps talking about how bad it is to keep losing these games.

Maybe its' because the team isn't complete.

Its' not the talent its' the fact it needs time to gel.

Maybe the Raiders just aren't like the Colts that got rid or lost many of its' stars except Manning and won with guys off the street or the Broncos winning with T. Tebow at QB and Tom Brady leading a team of back ups to the playoffs.

That's not the Raiders right now. They don't seem to be able to hold a lead or prove they are a good team.

Its' also something the media claimed Al lacked. He just had overgrown athletes and track stars and the team had no character.

The new regimes are just rebuilding not mediocre. But this is the kind of situation the media claimed new regimes would be able to handle. A team of great front office people coaching up average-good, high character, passionate players.

Well, they need more from their coaches.

I think they need overgrown athletes and track stars and to spend on star players. 1 thing Al wanted was to win not, rebuild for 5(10) years and worry about how much money in left under the cap.

The new regime is supposed to be able to handle injuries with coaching and good players and with PARITY, they might be in the playoff hunt but I just think the NFL isn't that worried about the Raiders winning in '22. I don't think the team is either. As they get more valuable they seem to be less worried about winning or losing.

Al was obsessed with winning and tried and it seems strange that the Raiders couldn't be a top 5 team with some of the best assistants and players. But you went with media's claims about Al and supported replacing his era.

Well, the NFL isn't exactly ignoring the Raiders they are all in with the business side and being in L.V. but about winning they seem to be happy with them making money and waiting until next year to win. The Raiders' seem to be wanting to get the money issues fixed and playing around with '22 and not worried about it but want get higher draft picks and work with NFL to bring fans into L.V. to spend and all home games sell out, NFL parties/ fun activities are there when they make a deep playoff run in '23.

12:48 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

IDK, Take. Coming into this season, Carr led active QBs in comeback wins (still does). He threw a boneheaded INT in the game, but it came down to defense, which has failed the Raiders more than Derek Carr has failed them. Carr holds the NFL record for defenses giving up the most avg pt per game during his career (over 26 pts on avg).

In fairness to Carr and his game comment, it did look like the Raiders defense was having its way with the Rams, who could get a play here and there but couldn't sustain a drive. Mayfield worked some miracles but the Raiders clearly beat themselves, thanks to Ferrell and Tillery (and Carr's INT).

My thing about Carr is he's seen a lot of football and is much wiser for it. Rich Gannon was a journeyman until he came to the Raiders and became MVP. Carr, like others, has struggled to learn McDaniels system. It's a process.

Would you rather have Baker Mayfield?

1:09 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Crosby said something in his postgame comments that struck me. He said McDaniels told the team to play every play like it's the last play in the game, that every play is that important. Crosby clearly believes in that, and I think the core players believe in McDaniels.

I'm still banking on that. Otherwise, how do the Raiders develop any semblance of continuity?

Crosby has become the face of the Raiders, like many iconic players before him. I want to believe in McDaniels, Carr, et al as long as Crosby does.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Yeah, I don't know either, NY.

But fact: Mayfield outplayed Carr in the second half last night, fresh off an airplane, with an underwhelming squad, while Carr had Davante Adams yet still gained just 11 yards passing in the half, in a game that DEMANDED resilience and execution to keep our slim playoff hopes alive against a much inferior opponent. In that context, this was a BIG game, and that's what we got from Carr (not to mention that sad INT before the end of the first half). Sure, calling all those runs was stupid, but then again, he's a vet, Josh is the newbie coach, maybe Derek needs to impose his will into some of that. No targets to Davante in the second half? Come on.

Contrast that to Tom Brady's iron will to secure an improbable win on Sunday night to keep their playoff hopes alive.

Yeah, there's all those stats about comebacks. yet we are also at the bottom in red zone efficiency this year. I dunno. I'm just steamed and I see no end in sight.

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Done with Carr?

Why? This is the guy Raidernation said was better than:

C. Palmer- pro bowler most of his career not good enough for fans.

J. Campbell- another bust Al got played outstanding for Raiders and wasn't that bad in Washington but fans didn't think he was good enough.

B. Gradkowski- fans liked him. he was an 'average Joe' type that the team liked.

TP2- not smart enough to play QB in the NFL? no, I think its' more of being Al's last draft pick.

whether he could play QB or not to let a guy go that just ran a 93 yard TD and not have a place for him on a mediocre team(Reggie's) is odd.

Carr(Reggie)- he isn't a star but he is a good QB. He has all the Bellichick/ NFL things to be a franchise QB.

1. better than a game manager QB.

2. passionate about football, high character.

3. coachable

Other than the contract they gave him,(the Patriots wouldn't give Brady a $100M contract) he has the franchise QB touch. He has shown he can lead a team and win sometimes, he isn't a star and some has claimed he has trouble throwing up-field but he's proven he can make good throws and win and, says he loves the Raiders.

* Well, Raidertake! so now you think its' time to let Carr go?

And you want the Pats' guys to get another QB?:

1. A 1st round draft pick rookie?

2. A vet like Jimmy G?

3. Do an Al move and trade for an ex-no. #1 draft pick.

4. sign a bust- an ex-Heisman trophy winner or no. #1 draft pick free agent.

You think they can find a starter? Who's gonna make the picks McDaniels or Ziegler?

Is it Carr's fault or the Raiders? What difference dose it make if he isn't as athletic or strong as other QBs' that's the NFL way isn't it? The small guy, game manager QB can win with good coaching. Guys like C. Palmer, K. Collins or J. Campbell aren't so big because of their arms there's other things that makes a QB great. And that's what the media told us in '12.

Carr's been here for years and you backed him most of that time now you feel he should leave?

Now, when Gruden/ Mayock came you didn't want them to get rid of Carr. You thought he'd learn from them and become a star. They signed M. Mariota and I thought he should've played a lot for the Raiders as a back up and after last year I thought maybe Mariota should run the team or stay as a back up. I love Carr but maybe he should leave, but if he did stay it's a good thing to me.

Well, I think other than a Mariota or a Brady I was happy if they stuck with Carr.

Well Raidernation, I think he should stay unless you think the Pats' guy can find a star. We should've kept Mariota as a back up and let him play a lot try to win with 2 good QBs' while Carr tries to get better and be the leader or go with Mariota.

1:53 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

In his postgame presser, Carr made it clear he's just running the plays that McDaniels is calling. That seemed to politely dig at McDaniels.

There's no clear answer.

I wish I could have heard the conversation between Mark Davis and Ice Cube. Maybe that would shed some light on the situation.

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carr just running the plays the HC calls.

This is where it differs from the Gruden time period, Gruden trusted Derek and gave him the rope to change the call at the LOS. Derek has shown he is very good at reading a D and making good calls at the LOS. Why he isn't allowed to do that, it neuters his experience and something he is good at.

McDaniels does call a decent game, most of the time, maybe he should be the OC and Mark brings in a HC who can direct McD when he starts to go off the rails. This seems to be a weakness with McD, he doesn't manage a game well and this one of the reasons for all the collapses.

4:09 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Conversations, and now actions, are circling back to the "chicken or egg" theories. Is it the coaches or the players, or management / ownership? The current regime has no choice but to blame the roster because, otherwise, it falls on..., well, the regime. So get ready for a purge.

Raiders just released John Simpson, like he's the problem and they're already moving in the right direction. What a joke. Good or bad, Simpson was a key backup, who will now get signed by a contender in need of OL. But he's off the Raiders. Check that box!

If they wanted to make an example, shouldn't they have released Tillery or Ferrell for their incredible lack of discipline during critical drives in the Rams game? Simpson! Huh? Who's his replacement?

If you want to ponder the bigger picture, this author goes down that rabbit hole. Aptly titled, commitment to incompetence, it's tough to argue his points. His theory appears to suggest Commitment to Excellence hit a wall well before Al passed... which is what we've been discussing on and off since this blog started. Is it time to fire up those engines again? Safe to say, the Raiders have lost games this season which players alone should not be held accountable.

4:16 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Here's a quick stat:

Raiders are 0-4 in games which they had a double-digit lead at halftime.

The rest of the league is 59-6.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Based on what we've seen this season, I think the Raiders have at least one more coming, especially, now that they have no backup guard. Brace yourself! This isn't over.

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brace yourself for what? As Raider fans, we have pretty much seen it all. If it continues, well, nothing new to us. The shock will come when they actually get the thing going in the right direction for a long period of time. Hasn't been that way for almost 40 years.

Looking back on Thursday nights game, was watching some of the pregame on NFL network and they were all saying how the Raiders just need to run the ball and they will win. They also spoke of Mayfield a lot. It's like the setup was in.

Then the game telecast can't stop talking about Mayfield the whole game and some of the calls/missed calls were very obvious. Then throw in the unbelievably bad D play calling to end the game and one has to wonder, don't they? We know the refs are crooked, we know the league is crooked and we know the league hates the Raiders. Al Micheals can hardly contain his disdain for the Raiders in his commentating. It all seems to have a smell around it.

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree on Al Michael's he has always hated Al Davis and the Raiders total douche. Sandy

1:13 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

"Brace yourself for what?"

Fair enough. I agree, Raiders fans would probably be more startled by success than failure at this point.

I guess "brace yourself" meaning we might still see furtherment of ineptitude which exceeds even past bad Raiders teams. The Raiders inability to hold a lead is unmatched. Just one more incredibly lame stat for the record books.

I guess "brace yourself" for whatever else they have up their sleeve to demonstrate how unprepared they were to coach this team.

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucy is going to pull the ball away again, what else is new? Charlie Brown thought he had it bad, he ain't seen nothing.

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its' the Holidays and there are needy people with need for food, shelter and clothing and medicine. If you want to help, please donate, volunteer or put charities, food banks on your web sites.

* Its' another year with the Coronavirus and people need to be able to stay healthy against it.

But they have to learn to make the best decisions about taking the shots. There could be worse problems after taking it or it may be needed to take a shot.

If you aren't sure you should ask people and go on the net to find out about the shots. You will get reason not to and to take it. Conspiracy theories and gov. people, scientific / medical people or gov. corruption people will have stories about it so you should try and get all the info you can. If you still aren't sure you maybe should try and find other ways to stop the virus or take the smallest shots of the vaccines.

* Its' the Holidays and we need check yourselves and be very watchful in your homes and communities there are people who need help because of the Holidays and the feelings, depression or mental problems some people might be having this year.

*We are an injury riddled team but before that we were mediocre. we now have a new regime and we are supporting it because they are from a dynasty.

We were terrible in the Al era because we were different and tried to stay that way. Al did everything a good GM would do to win but couldn't. We do everything the NFL tells us to do and we changed to be at peace with the league. Now, we have no real uniqueness, have no real past are trying hard to erase the past of Al's era.

We are an NFL team, we don't get problem players, spend on expensive free agents, draft for size, speed and athleticism or take time to find our assistants.

We also are not anything like the Pats or Steelers, we do hire winners but they aren't the 1's who lead the winning in their old teams(Patriots, Packers, Bucs).

We see other teams using bigger, faster players and they win but we think that's a system that's old.

We aren't winning but support the regimes, we haven't done much except get more valuable and more corporate, we do what the league tells us but it seems they still have an attitude towards us. We are more like and NFL model franchise yet teams like the Cowboys, K.C. and S.F. with big, fast guys win.

Raidernation! Wow! the NFL sure must be under a lot of pressure to keep conning us because it has to take a group of owners, media and big corporations to worry that much about a team without the guy who built it and maybe helped build the NFL!

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carr is not the problem he is a good qb. McDaniels is the problem. Even if you were to give him the benefit of the doubt about players having to learn a new system, injuries to Renfro and Waller and a crappy defense the team has still looked uninspired most of the time that's on the head coach. Sandy

4:48 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Uninspired is tough to measure. I think leaders on the team, like Carr and Crosby, have inspired better play, especially, during the 3-game winning streak.

But I agree that McDaniels has been part of the problem. Hindsight being 20/20, McDaniels played right into Rams strength as a top ranked run-defense and didn't adjust in the 2nd half when it was clear they were stacking the box and defending the run. And leaving Jacobs in the game after he was injured and clearly in pain made no sense. Inexcusable.

5:38 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Cardinals waived Trayvon Mullen, which means the Raiders get a 7th round pick instead of a 6th round pick for him. If there was any doubt in the Raiders trading him, Cards just cleared that up.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Raidernation!, don't forget to make sure you look at and take time with flu shots before making a decision. If you have other ways to treat a flu/ cold maybe you should try it. If you have to take the shots try to get more info on them.

There are needy people who could use some help. If you want to help there are ways to do it by donating money/ clothes or volunteering at a food bank or charity or working at a center that finds needy families/ people.

Its' funny that the most mistreated fan base wants' to be like other sports fans and just get along with the NFL!

While the Raiders seem not worried about the playoffs and can't explain why they aren't a wild card contender fans just call it bad decisions and dysfunction while the Raiders focus on money.

The NFL/ Raiders seem focused on '23 and that looks very shady.

1. staff that seems to mess up every time they have a lead.

2. for some reason can't seem to keep a top unit in tact(WRs' D. Adams and D. Robinson/ DT's D. Philon and Hankins).

3. refuses to spend on star free agents- but they did trade for a top player(Adams) so the Pats' guys get to slide on this subject.

they signed guys off the streets and practice squads but none of them ex-pro bowlers or more pricey vets.

they hired guys who are good assistants but didn't focus on areas' famous for being Raider strong points. Letting Bradley walk and not asking R. Bissicia stay as special teams coach wasn't a good idea.

The fact is the Raiders didn't seem set on winning this year- fans don't like conspiracy theories but some of this isn't just conspiracy, it makes money sense.

Why not tank mess around with '22, get high draft picks, and build more fun areas for fans, make more deals with the entertainment companies to get more tourists and fans to L.V. and with all the close games and some good draft picks next year fans will want to keep spending.

Instead of trying to win now why not just do o.k. then next year win? win with a playoff team and L.V. area would look great with all the tourist fun events, stores, fan-tourist fun areas/ companies and the super bowl in '24 the NFL would make huge money!

Fans need to know who they are showing loyalty to. They also need to understand the NFL is about money and as long as they can scheme to make money in shady ways and hide it behind just trying to make an honest buck- fans will get scammed.

Instead of talking '23, talk about why the Raiders are not trying to win in '22 and what are they and the NFL trying to pull?

I thought the NFL didn't do illegal stuff and if this is legal then the sports world has some shady and serious issues.

Losing all those games and all the issues on the business side, the value of the team and people asking about buying into the team and '24 super bowl may seem just the situation and nothing strange but if L.V. is building for a huge tourism/ fan visit it would look really good if the Raiders had a huge season in '23 and was a good team before '24 it would give L.V. huge opportunities for fans/ tourists before the SB.

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

I think it is clear, the two areas this staff is going to have to deal with in the offseason is RT, RG, LG, and DL. Those were the question marks coming into the season, and they have proven to be a HUGE HOLE in the team this year. I think Munford is going to be a force in the future, but he is struggling as a rookie; which is to be expected.
Tillery has been an awesome signing, but he made a boneheaded penalty that not only gave the Lambs a first down (when it would have been 4th down and a sack by Crosby), but stopped the clock. Not too mention lining up offsides on a punt. This gives us another area that the Raiders struggle with, disciplined football. Not staying within their assignments, and not focusing on situational football as players, and making boneheaded penalties is what has killed this team this season.
I'm not sure Patrick Graham is the guy moving forward to lead this defense. We need someone who will bring discipline, and a scheme to the players strengths. Wade Phillips is that guy, and the Raiders should bring him in ASAP! He comments on Twitter about the Raiders struggles defensively, giving suggestions of what he would do differently, and it makes sense. It is a travesty that he is out of the League right now. Bring him in Mark, and JUST WIN, BABY!

7:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This vid tells it all. 2 clowns trying to explain away Rams penalties on Thursday. Blaming the Raiders for not throwing their hands up after every play. It's so ridiculous, but this is today's NFL.

11:36 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Not sure I would label the Tillery signing as "awesome." He's only played a couple games and he's cost the Raiders a win in one of them. Sure there were other factors in the game, but Tillery's penalty and stopping the clock could have easily been the difference in the game. I don't think the Raiders nor the fans get past that bonehead penalty. He'll be walking the plank eventually.

The reality might be, we are seeing why the Chargers let him go.

That happens. It's happened to the Raiders plenty... more than their share.

Raiders have a lot of interior linemen. Tillery's presence on the team is directed right at other linemen and their inability to do their job. Raiders are missing Thomas and Jefferson. It was a mistake to let them go, IMO.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those holds were criminal, the one in the end zone is a saftey and would have been game over. The ref is standing right there looking at. Its is the same type of hold on all three plays. Anyone who says the NFL is not biased against the Raiders is clueless.


4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tillery is the kind of guy the NFL/ media claims the Raiders really don't need- a big, fast and more athletic guy who may have some of those problem issues that Raiders from Al's era had. But if the Pats' guys could coach him up and show him some discipline maybe he could become a star for them.

No NY, its' been about 5 years since they had that kind of athleticism.

Understand, the league doesn't want the old Raiders' culture on this team. They want a team with a new way. They want the Raiders to SHOW they are a model franchise. To do this they can't do thing like Al would do.

Well, that doesn't make sense to you? If it doesn't then why have you listened to almost everything the media/ NFL suggest or seen the new regimes do?

Don't know what I'm writing about?

They claimed Al was past his prime and stuck in the past. He was making too many bad decisions in the draft and spending on free agent stars.

And you listened mainly because of the 9 year slump. Well, they hired Reggie and he made a promise to get this team back to glory. He was fixing the salary cap and getting rid of overpaid contracts, bring in a new modern way and find good, high-character talent and good free agents.

Well, he changed the Raiders for sure. The team kept losing and then Gruden was hired.
He talked big but seemed under heavy pressure. The Raiders almost refused to draft big name players and kept its' new rule on expensive free agents.

Now, you could argue top college players don't always do well in the NFL but he didn't pick 1 in regime.

That neither regime didn't draft top college players and reached was a little strange.

Why? is this what Bellichick does? You could argue they were doing the high character thing and looking at guys they could coach up into good system players.

So, look at how all 3 regimes have drafted, none except Reggie('14) picked highly rated or elite players.

Well, we know Al would've. But why would they do something like this? Why is it so important to be average-high character, smart and tough football over well, Al's ideas?:

1. the league hated Al and they seem to have some hand in the Raiders' future.

2. since '12 the Raiders have released/ traded almost every big, fast, athletic and highly paid player on their roster.

3. they want a new culture and attitude in L.V. so not doing anything like Al is showing them they've really changed.

4. they want the regimes to prove the Bellichick/ model franchise way works even with the Raiders.

5. they want to see a team that Al would hate and for us to support it.

6. they want the Raiders to work differently from the team and not get into politics or union issues that's 1 reason they really were glad Al was gone. just talk about being Raiders don't really show it.

7. they want to make big money. they want fans to spend. that's why L.V. is so important. they don't want an owner telling them "no" to their schemes. like Al maybe saying no to L.V.

8. they want to see fans more excited about L.V. and fun and forget about dynasties just have fun at the stadium- spend money, go to the games and go home.

9. they want the Raiders to reach for players get the average guys and coach 'em up! forget about the dominating big, fast defenses and great players. by acting like a model franchise it proves this team finally is moving from Al's era but they need to keep it up for awhile until they can trust the front office or new people come into team that never will do what Al might do(getting elite athletes and paying vets big salaries).

5:48 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Perhaps bias against the Raiders is so long-standing it's become part of their culture. Some officials are too young to know why. Overall, NFL officials suck. They are parttime and undertrained. That's why they keep expanding replay.

More simply, the Raiders need to control what they can control, including stupid penalties like not jumping offsides on a critical change of possession play, and not committing dead ball penalties. IMO, the Raiders waived the wrong player(s) after the Rams game. Ferrell and Tillery were both better candidates.

Anon, there's a reason why the Chargers cut bait with Tillery. Don't be surprised when we figure that out... perhaps we already have. At a minimum, he's undisciplined. If the Raiders need all players at 100% for 60 minutes in order to win a game (as the coaches continue to profess), Tillery probably won't survive past this season on the Raider roster.

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

I think Tillery has been a great sign, in spite of the penalty, because he has created pressure, taken the triple teams off Crosby, and has opened things up for Chandler Jones. He has made the DT play better as well. If Josh and Graham can get him to focus on his game and take out some of the selfish penalties (knocking the ball out of Mayfield's hand); he will be incredible.
Another great signing happened as well. Netane Muti was signed off the Doncos practice squad. This dude should have been starting on that depleted Doncos offensive line. If you watch videos of him in the 19 games he has played, you will see him dominating the line. I was surprised he was on the practice squad, I thought he was playing. Great for us!
Waller and Renfrow returned to practice yesterday. Hopefully they are back in the lineup this weekend, especially with Jacobs dinged. McDaniels is getting a lot of grief for his game plan of running the ball against the 4th toughest run defense in the League; but Jacobs has been hot, and I probably would have ran him a lot too; but I would have passed some in the 2nd half as well. Davante made some incredible catches against Jalen Ramsey; and they totally ignored that part of the game in the 2nd half.
Also, if you can, check out Kenny King Jr's video cast (on youtube) where he and his co-host talk about the NFL being labelled an "Entertainment" company, and can therefore, legally fix games; and then go back and watch the Raiders implode in the 2nd half and tell me this isn't fixed. It's crazy.

7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On everyone's ticket that they purchase for the games, it says it in fine print that this is ENTERTAINMENT, if watching the Raiders continually fail is entertainment, I call BS on that. Though, we continue to watch the car(r) wreck.

Those media people in the vid provided above, when they say the things they are saying in the vid, they are basically telling us all that it's rigged. The one guy says that the refs will only call a certain amount of holdings and then won't call it anymore? Then he goes on to say the refs have it bad because one has to take care of his kids and it only leaves a couple of hours to prep for the game? Then, the jackass Florio says that it was the Raiders fault that the refs weren't calling the holdings against Crosby. He said the Raider players should have been complaining after every play. And because they weren't, the refs wouldn't call it.

It's crazy world and never in my life have I heard media types say this type of garbage to cover for rigged refs. There was a guy who used to write on here a lot and he said a long time ago that the refs were rigged and the response he got from you guys was just as ridiculous as these guys explanation. They said there was no possible way for cheating to take place. I guess they were wrong.

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

High character, disciplined, passionate

Why to you claim the NFL is trying to screw over the Raiders in '22 yet don't feel they were doing during Al's slump('03-'11)?

The Raiders are so good now that they just need fairness from the refs?

1. Al worked with ex-player G. Upshaw, the NFLPA boss and their best ever. Upshaw refused to get players to accept a salary cap and Al backed him.

2. had the respect and backing of striking players during their threats to strike, when they were striking and voting against the CBA.

3. suing the league, city of Oakland and L.A. and the Buccaneers for something(?).

4. voted against the new CBA.

5. taking way too much time with Oakland in not putting more pressure on them to build a new stadium.

6. paying vets big salaries and even rookies that forced other owners to have to pay higher salaries. The owners were really upset about that.

7. trying to get other owners to say "no" to revenue sharing when they make their own deals with big corporations(all 32 team have to share revenue from business deals with the NFL).

The NFL should be in love with the Raiders now. The Raiders have cooperated with them and they've almost moved on from Al's era. Why shouldn't the NFL love the Raiders? the Radiers have:

1. erased almost all of the culture that Al helped create.

2. hyped a culture of conservative, dull football.

3. made system that continues to make them a laughing stock mainly because some of the teams that use it will go after bigger, faster players and stars free agents.

4. fired a lot of Al's front office people who didn't do anything to deserve it.

5. apologized to many of Al's enemies, repaying debts and inviting enemies and ex-players/ coaches that feuded with Al. But in some cases it seems Al's enemies/ Raiders who feuded with him- were just going to Raiders' offices to make fun and light of the Raiders' situation.

7. have a system were there aren't a lot of bigger, faster athletes and none drafted high that would be you'd have to pay them. Its' funny how media claimed those kind of players ruined the team yet its' not a problem for K.C. and Dallas to have them.

8. to really show off they get Raiders to sign D. Carr to a big contract even though he hasn't won a playoff game and Gruden-mainly to give Raiders somebody to get pumped about but Gruden wasn't allowed to really build a contender. he never went after elite college talent in the 1st rounds and refused to sign expensive star players.

There NFL should't hate the Raiders or is it they(owners/ NFL) feels the Raiders still have some Al idea still in them?

Is it they just can't stop hating the Raiders that easy?

Well, Raidernation maybe they don't have the new regimes just the fact there's still some of Al's era on the team.

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read that the Raiders cut Lester Cotton. I'm real glad McDaniels and Ziegler gave him all the Reps during the preseason two clowns. If the Raiders don't go three and one in the last four games and show that they have a top five offense with Waller and Renfro back Mark Davis would be crazy not to fire McDaniels and Ziegler Sandy

5:04 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

There are lots of issues we could discuss wrt McDaniels and Ziegler. Neither has done his job well enough, but cutting Simpson and Cotton are not by mistake. Raiders absolutely need to do better than those two. It will be interesting to see what this kid from Denver brings to the line if Bars can't play.

In fairness, the O-line (with Bars) has been the position group with showing most improvement this year. They are setting the pace for Jacobs to earn a rushing title. That's no small feat.

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mistake was not replacing them from the get-go giving them all the Reps and preseason and letting them play in the first four or five games that was the mistake. Bars sucks as well. Sandy

6:01 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

I agree there was a mishandling of OL group from the start. However, they have come together mid- to late in the season, much the way the line did last year. The difference this year is they are run blocking, and Bars has been part of that. I don't have his stats but I think they will indicate he has been solid in run blocking.

As it turns out, only Miller and James were salvageable from last season. Leatherwood, Simpson, et al were the problem.

7:45 AM  

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