Gear of The Week

Thus, because neither man nor woman can live on beer alone, I am selecting Jim Otto’s Special Blend Whole Bean Coffee as my Gear of The Week (special thanks to Stick ‘Em for tipping me off to this product). I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m still recommending it, because I know it’s good, because it is specially blended by Mr. 00 himself. At $12.99 for a pound, it’s not a bad deal, either. You know you need it. You know you need to elevate your commitment to caffeine.
Jim, if you're out there, I have some ideas for other blends: Al's Piedmont House Blend, Frenchy Fuqua Roast, Sea of Hands Selection and Ray Guy's Kick Starter.
According to the label, the coffee is "for exclusive Raider fans." It's for Raider fans who are exclusive, as opposed to being exclusively for Raider fans? What is an exclusive fan?
I would like to place my order for a pound of the Ray Guy kick starter. The Sea Bass kick starter probably has some GHB in it ...
Avoid the Norv Turner blend. It's decaf.
Don't forget the Daryle Lamonmocha or the Matuszak Hotelnut.
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