Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Very Good Year

Exactly one year ago, Raider Take sent out its first signal to an audience of zero. Today, more than 240 takes later, this little diary has grown into a robust dialogue with some of the best and brightest minds in the Raider Nation, as evidenced in the more than 1,500 (rough estimate) comments registered to date.

As I’ve said before, I am awed by the level of analysis, insight and humor brought to this site by various commentators. You stand in firm rebuke of those who would slander the Raider Nation as a bunch slack-jawed hoodlums. I defy anyone to prove that there is a more informed and passionate fan base in the NFL.

Raider Take would still be a lonely place if not for other Raiders outlets kindly spreading the word. These include, but are not limited to,
RaiderNews.com (shout out to Ally Oop!), Raider Nation Podcast (thanks Greg and Randy!), RaiderFans.net (and Raiders40 in particular!), Raiders Links, RaiderWorld.net, Inside Bay Area’s Raiders Page, Raider Cast, Silver & Black Illustrated's forum and others (if I have left out anyone, please let me know, it was not intentional). I am also indebted to my fellow bloggers of the Black Flag Network for their inspiring work and feedback.

It’s funny to read that first take of August 29, 2005, written in such a spirit of optimism in advance of a season that would quickly turn tragic. But I’ve got that same feeling of optimism again as we head into the 2006 season. That’s the point of being a fan, isn’t it? I don’t want to be dragged into a new season. I want to charge into it, eager and hopeful.

Personally, I am thrilled that year two of Raider Take begins with round two of Art Shell as head coach. This should be a very good year.


Blogger Gray Flannel Suit said...

Congrats! Keep up the good work.

10:58 PM  
Blogger Raider Raza said...

I applaud you RT on your efforts you are a brilliant, witty and well informed writer and I too share your optimism.
If you ever make it to a game be sure to come and crack a cold one with me..

12:43 AM  
Blogger Calico Jack said...

Time zips by when you are having fun, right RT? Don't ever lose your free spirit of optimism and humor. That is one (among many) of the reasons your readers keep coming back for more!

The hiring of Art Shell has given me a strong feeling of hope. The players respect, trust, and admire him. Shell provides a sense of stability & tradition back to the organization.

Here's to a VERY good year indeed. Cheers!
Calico Jack

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, RT! Since I started reading this blog about 9 months ago, it's inspired me to think deeply and laugh out loud (sometimes at the same moment!).

Keep up the good work, and Go Hounds!

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RT - Your blog is the first site I visit anytime I log on. Your takes are always right on the mark. Without sounding like a broken record, your humor combined with optimism is what drives true Raider fans to your blog. My favorite takes are the ones "outing" the haters and so-called "writers" who spread their hate without facts to back it up. Keep up the good work.
P.S. I will be traveling from Arizona to attend the Raiders Chargers opener this season. I will certainly help lead the RAAIIDDEERRS! chant on "Little Phil's" first drive of his NFL career.
Thanks, Tim (azraider63)

9:07 AM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Thanks, CJ!

Raider Raza, put me down for a cold one. I encourage everyone to check out your raiderraza.blogspot.com for some great takes.

Calico Jack, you have been so generous in spirit since day one; it's an honor to join you in raising the Black Flag! You must be coming up on one year with Silver & Black Forever, too?

Horsecollarjack, I consider your laughter the highest praise. Please don't turn on me if I spank those Hounds!

AZraider, much appreciated! I consider Arizona my home away from home. Too bad the Raiders aren't playing the Cardinals out there this year. You are a true fan to make that big trek for September 11. I look forward to spooking Little Phil with you!

9:25 AM  
Blogger sirrastusbear said...

Nice work RT! Your site is the first I go to when I turn on my 'puter in the AM -- always there for great takes, in-depth analysis, and unbridled love for da Raiderz. Here's looking forward to an awesome Year 2!

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

raider take - happy 2nd anniversary. to think i started reading this lovey dovey stuff about al davis (you folks know how i feel about the man) i never thought i'd stick around. but we are all human beings entitled to our own opinion. i like to say that over the past oh - year i guess? reading/catching up on raider take, i've come to find that the people who drop in here are pretty cool. so i've grown up a bit and toned down on my al davis rants. bottom line is, we are all in unity about one thing: we love the raiders. we may have differing opinions on things but we are all brothers (and sisters) in one raider nation. raider world i should say. anyway, again, happy anniversary raider take and keep up the good work! GO RAIDERS!

9:55 AM  
Blogger TheFreakingPope said...


Not unlike azraider63, raidertake.com is my first stop on the web. It seems like just yesterday that I found your blog during the second half of week 2. It truly is a pleasure to be a part of this community.

Keep up the great work!



12:49 PM  
Blogger Stick'em said...

RT: "It's funny to read that first Take of August 29, 2005 written in such as spirit of optimism..."

It ain't funny, my brother!

Being a fanatic is being part fan and part addict. Addicted to a love of the game and the team, no matter what anyone else says or does to the contrary.

No matter how crazy it sounds, I always start the season believing the Raiders will win the SB.

They will. Even if it's not true.

And screw ya if ya don't believe it too!

It can happen, baby! If ya don't think so, then go watch the Chinese ping pong team.

Happy B-day, Take

1:26 PM  
Blogger js said...

Yes, well done, RT. Cheers!

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long may you run, RT!!!

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And in honor of RT's birthday...Some "News You Can't Use". Go get 'em...
"Mercurial team owner Al Davis fired coaches, ran off star players, and drafted kickers in the first round against the advice of those he had hired to assist him with such matters. And though the Raiders made some playoff appearances, and posted winning seasons here and there, they weren't often taken seriously or listed with the elite franchises in the league any longer."


3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day Raider Take! Best blog on the net hands down.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Damn, friends, at this rate I'm going to go all Dick Vermeil on you! I am truly inspired and honored by your feedback.

P.S. Horsecollarjack, thanks for the tip, that article is already in my crosshairs for News You Can't Use!

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My gosh, has it been a year already? Well, Happy Birthday, Raider Take!

This calls for a celebration, birthday cake and all.

Unfortunately, it's too late to bake you a cake, but I did manage to type you a candle and light it (lol):

.... ( )...

So make a wish and blow out the candle, my friend.

Here's to many more Raider Takes!


6:04 PM  
Blogger TheFreakingPope said...

And its not even your birthday. Oh wait, it is!

"The Oakland Raiders are beginning to resemble an NFL team again, and that should scare the daylights out of the rest of the AFC West."


6:21 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Sweet, Ally Oop, thanks! You know what my wish is, it's a fourth trophy that begins with an L and ends with an I!

6:23 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Holy cow, the Freaking Pope has located an endangered species in the media: an objective observer when it comes to the Raiders! Happy birthday, indeed.

6:26 PM  
Blogger frkyraider said...

can't tell you how glad i am to have a forum like this to come to so i can read my peeps and say my piece, congrats RT. and thank you for a great year, looking forward another.

a haiku for RT's anniversary

funny blog writer
gives me a year of smooth Takes
my Raider brother

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is easily my favorite Raider blog –– and for good reason.


7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Usually, the off season drags on forever, but thanks to Raider Take, we can always have our fill of Raider info, & insight.

Thanks RT for a great year, and hoping for many more to come.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Doobie said...

Happy Anniversary! We're not, uh, exchanging presents, are we?

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12:42 AM  

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